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A Look at 2023 Pacific String Day

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Held on October 22, 2023, the Pacific String Day was a day dedicated to string instruments at the University of Pacific, a private university located in Stockton, CA. Pacific String Day is an annual event, and it consists of several activites and a performance from the music faculty dedicated to the enrichment of music education for young musicians.

In the morning, students enjoyed solo and collaborative performances from the faculty at Pacific Conservatory of Music, including Ann Miller on the violin, Igor Veligan on viola and violin, Vicky Wang on cello, Kathryn Schulmeister on string bass, and Guy Powell on guitar. Following that, there were masterclasses held where students had the chance to play for the faculty and recieve feedback. Not only were the masterclasses helpful for individuals, it was an interactive experience, including the spectating students' feedback and suggestions. All students could learn from each other, even if they did not play! For lunch, students were guided to the DeRosa University Center where they could buy lunch, or eat the lunch they brought from home. After lunch, a selection of workshops were available. Offerings included: guitar technique, practice techniques, musical games, and an intro to conducting workshop. Attending the conducting workshop, I learned several vizualization techniques, beat patterns, and even got to try out a baton! Finally, all 60 students got together to play as an orchestra, conducted by Nicholas Waldvogel, the director of the university's Symphony Orchestra.

There was a $35 participation fee, and for the quality instruction recieved, the Pacific String Day is definitely a great opportunity for student musicians to have a rewarding experience with professionals. With a large variety of options, the day was customizable to the student's preference and interests. An additional benefit was the opportunity to visit the University of Pacific campus and get a feel for campus life. With beautiful red brick buildings covered in ivy, students looking ahead to university could picture what it would be like to attend the Pacific Conservatory of Music. Pictures include the orchestra, faculty performance space, and the room in which the orchestra rehearsal and conducting workshop were held.

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